Why I Might Be a Super Hero – Just Another Blog Post from Your Friendly Neighborhood Souzapalooza!

I think I might be superhero…

In my fumbling along the internet I found this interactive tab on the Marvel.com website where you can build your own Superhero. It’s pretty cool, although I will say that the choices are limited for women in comparison to the guys choices, which I understand. It got me thinking about superheroes. They use to be ordinary people just like you and me, and then something happens to them that makes them special. The ones with moral compasses pointed in the general direction of good, usually end up helping people and saving their city (be it Gotham, Metropolis, or New York) from some major catastrophe or mentally unstable villain. They often sacrifice their own personal happiness for the greater good of the world. I am not a reader of comics, but I do watch the superhero films when they come to the big screen (or HBO of course). So I did a little research on Wikipedia and found a list of common traits all super heroes have.

Marvel's Create Your Own Super Hero - Souzapalooza

Ten Requirements for Being a Superhero (per Wikipedia):

1) Extraordinary powers, skills and/or equipment. Continue reading Why I Might Be a Super Hero – Just Another Blog Post from Your Friendly Neighborhood Souzapalooza!